A Prepaid return label has been generated.


We apologize for any problems you are having with your order. If you have made a request for a replacement order, this has been sent to your account executive for review. Your account executive will be contacting you shortly.

Please follow the below steps:

  • Print and affix the label to your parcel.
  • Package your products securely for return shipment, as improper packaged products may be damaged in transit and ultimately delay the return process.
  • Only ship back parts that were noted in this return request.
  • Notate the correct sales order number/purchase order number associated with the parts being returned. This will insure that the proper credit is generated for accounting departments.


Credits will be created within 7 days after arrival at our facility.
Please keep this tracking number for your reference.
Contact with any questions about this return.

Thank you for your business!

Disclaimer: This return submission does not constitute an agreement to refund money. Upon receipt of merchandise, goods will be inspected to determine their validity.